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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  November 9, 2022 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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yourself in. the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell is next. we are back in 30 captioning sponsoreds >> o'donnell: tonight, the breaking news, president joe biden declaring the election resultaise good day for democracy, as control of president joe biden declaring the election results a "good day for democracy," as control of congress still hangs in the balance. plus, our new reporting on republicans blaming donald trump for falling short. president joe biden and his party breathing a sigh of relief tonight. >> the democrats had a strong night. i am so optimistic about the prospects for america. >> o'donnell: cbs' nancy cordes at the white house. will the president run for reelection?ident run >> watch me. >> o'donnell: breaking news-- hurricane nicole barrels towards florida. schools, airports, closed, asurs the storm gains strength. when it could make landfall. cbs' elise preston is in the sunshine state. skyrocketing turkey prices ahead of thanksgiving.
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cbs' janet shamlian visits a farm facing more than just inflation. >> reporter: from farm to table, why your thanksgiving turkey will cost more. >> o'donnell: and, jennifer aniston opens up, revealing her deeply personal struggles with infertility. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west and thank you for joining us on this wednesday night. tonight, president biden is celebrating what he called a strong night for democrats after his party outperformed expectations in the midterms. the president says americans sent a clear and unmistakable message last night about democracy and abortion rights. in a rare, wide-ranging press conference late today, president biden answered questions about working with the g.o.p., despite possible investigations into his son hunter, whether he'll run
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for reelection, and even what he thinks of a trump-desantis showdown for the republican nomination. and at this hour, control of congress is still up for grabs. cbs news estimates the battle for the house has leaned republican. it could take several days before we know which party will have the majority. and, it could be weeks before we know which party will control the senate, with three races still undecided. plus, it's now official that that senate race in georgia, a hotly contested seat, well, it is headed for a runoff. that's in december. we have our team of correspondents covering the ongoing vote count, but cbs' nancy cordes is going to start us off from the white house. good evening, nancy. >> reporter: good evening, norah. an upbeat president biden argued that this was the best midterm showing for a first-term democratic president in 40 years. he called it a validation of his agenda. agenda. but tonight, that agenda is still in jeopardy. if republican do end up clinching the house or the senate. >> democrats had a strong night.
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>> reporter: as president biden held on to hope, republican leader kevin mccarthy plowed ahead with plans for a house takeover, formally announcing his bid for speaker. >> we will be in the majority, and nancy pelosi will be in the minority. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: republican leader kevin mccarthy said last night that it is clear we are going to take the house back. do you think he's probably right about that? >> we've lost very few seats for certain. we still have a possibility of keeping the house. but it's going to be close. >> reporter: senate control is still unclear, too. democrats picked up a seat in pennsylvania, where abortionnnsy ranked as the number one issue. >> i'm proud of what we ran on-- protecting a woman's right to choose.-- protecting a woman's righ ( cheers ) >> reporter: it could come down to georgia, where republican herschel walker is predicting ae republican herschel walker is bruising december runoff against democratic senator raphael warnock. >> and i told you, he's going to be tough to beat. he's going to be tough to beat.
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>> reporter: history was made at the ballot box last night. >> i stand before you tonight l. >> i stand before y proud. >> reporter: massachusetts elected the nation's first openly lesbian u.s. governor. wes moore becomes the first african american governor elected in maryland. and just the third in u.s. history. voters elected the first gen-z u.s. congressman, a 25-year-old in florida. and, at 40, former white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders will be the youngest u.s. governor when she's sworn in, in arkansas. >> i know it will be the honor of a lifetime. >> reporter: the white house released video today of president biden calling around to democratic winners. >> i'll sleep better knowing you won. >> reporter: the night did not turn out well for former president trump, as some of the controversial candidates he endorsed, struggled, putting winnable seats at risk. but, even a one-seat majority in the house or senate would give republicans subpoena power, and they're vowing to launch a range of probes on day one.
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what's your message to republicans who are considering investigating your family, andnn particularly, your son hunter's business dealings? >> lots of luck in your senior year, as my coach used to say. look, i think the american public wants us to move on and get things done for them. >> reporter: exit polling from yesterday's election suggests that two-thirds of american voters do not think that president biden should run for reelection in 2024. he was asked about that today, norah. he said that those numbers don't bother him, that he has always intended to run again, but he may not make a final decision until the new year. even if his predecessor, president trump, goes ahead with plans to announce his candidacy as soon as next week. >> o'donnell: wow, quite a night. nancy cordes, thank you. the eyes of washington are turning to the west as the uncalled senate races in nevada and arizona will help decide control of congress. cbs news characterizes the nevada senate race as a toss-up.
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the cbs news race rating for the arizona senate race leans democratic, towards senator mark kelly. and let's take a look at the governor's race there between democrat katy hobbs and republican kari lake. that's a toss-up. cbs news' kris van cleave is in phoenix, where the votes are still being tabulated. >> reporter: tonight, across arizona, it's all over but the counting of hundreds of thousands of outstanding mail-in ballots. in the closely-watched senate race, incumbent mark kelly has a slight edge over his republican challenger, trump-backed blake masters. >> it doesn't look like we're going to have the final results for a little while. >> reporter: democrat katy hobbs began the day with a very narrow lead over kari lake, another trump endorsee, who predicted victory, while criticizing a technical glitch that slowed voting in the county. >> we had a big day today, and don't let those cheaters and crooks think anything different. we will get to work turning this around. no more incompetency and no more
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corruption in arizona elections. >> reporter: republican election officials in maricopa county disputed lake's accusations. >> i absolutely reject those statements. they're without basis. >> reporter: due north in nevada, another senate race hangs on an ongoing ballot count. cbs' manuel bojorquez is in las vegas. >> reporter: the day started with the democratic incumbent, catherine cortez masto, and her g.o.p. rival, adam laxalt, separated by about 23,000 votes. but we learned here today at the clark county election center that there are more than 27,000e more than 27,000 mail-in ballots still to be counted over the next days. both candidates expressed optimism, but urged patience. >> we know this will take time, and we won't have more election results for several days. >> we have a lot of our votes coming in all across the state yet to be tabulated. >> reporter: back in arizona, if kari lake pulls off a win, she'll cement herself as a rising star in the maga wing of the g.o.p. do you plan to serve your entire term in arizona, or are you open
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to being a v.p.? >> i am going to not only be the governor of arizona for four years-- i'm going to do two terms. i'm going to be your worst freaking nightmare. >> reporter: now, the bulk of the remaining ballots are early-vote, mail-in-type votes. those have to be verified and that work has been going on behind us here. once that's done, they can be counted. it's slow. that's why it may take a couple more days, norah. >> o'donnell: all right, kris van cleave, thanks very much. let's turn now to our cbs' robert costa who has been talking to his sources all day getting their reaction to this election. good evening, robert. republicans were clearly expecting a wave, a good night that didn't materialize. is there finger-pointing going on today? >> reporter: certainly, norah. tonight, the republican party is at a crossroads, and inside former president trump's circle, there is turbulence. his allies tell cbs news tonight that they are annoyed about florida governor ron desantis now being in a commanding position ahead of a possible 2024 presidential run. some trump allies are telling him to delay trump's own
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possible 2024 announcement. they also say trump is fuming behind the scenes about his endorsed candidates, like dr. mehmet oz in pennsylvania's senate race, not doing enough to embrace the trump political brand. all of this is creating a potential opening for others, like maryland governor larry hogan, who spoke to me tonight and said it's time for the g.o.p. to get off the trump "titanic." >> o'donnell: one person who is planning a presidential run is mike pence. parts of his new book came out today. what did we learn? >> reporter: his book "so help me god--" what a title. it's going to detail for the first time his private exchanges with former president trump, especially in the crucial period in and around the capitol attack. one key exchange, january 11, 2021, days after the attack. pence went to see trump. trump asked pence, "were you scared during the attack?" pence said to trump, according to the book, "i wasn't scared. i was angry." it's yet another example of a republican who is thinking about 2024, distancing themselves from the former president. >> o'donnell: wow, we're going to be reporting more about this,
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trump's future and the rest of those republicans. thank you so much. from the political wins of the midterms to the dangerousical we midterms to the dangerous weather bearing weather bearing down on the florida coastline, former president donald trump is reportedly not leaving mar-a- lago, despite evacuation orders due to hurricane nicole. cbs' elise preston is on the ground on florida's atlantic coast. >> reporter: tonight, damaging winds and heavy rain from nicole are slamming florida's east coast. already vulnerable from ian's devastating damage just weeks ago, buildings teetering on the ocean's edge, the storm already washing away part of the sea wall, causing this building to collapse. nicole will be the first hurricane to make a november landfall in florida in nearly 40 years. dozens of counties are under a state of emergency, and mandatory evacuations have been ordered for some barrier island residents in low-lying areas and
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mobile homes. >> floridians in the path of storm should expect to see power outages when you're having these gusty conditions. >> reporter: in lee county, debris from ian could become dangerous projectiles. >> if there's any strong wind, everything is going to be everywhere. >> reporter: and four to six feet of storm surge is expected to flood the same areas ian submerged. >> there's definitely more surge than we normally see. >> reporter: in jensen beach, teddy miller says he's riding out the storm. did you go to the store? did you fill up on gas? >> yeah, we got water. we filled up the cars.up the >> reporter: and he's hoping these shutters will protect his home. in a rare move, major theme parks in florida, like walt disney world are closed. and while nicole is to blame for delaying an artemis moon launch, nasa is still keeping the rocket on the launchpad, citing it can sustain winds up to 85 miles per hour. norah. >> o'donnell: elise preston,
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thank you very much. well, for more on the forecast of hurricane nicole and where it's headed next, let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel. hey there, mike. >> reporter: norah, good evening. nicole, now a hurricane, will make a rare november landfall on the east coast of florida, packing intense winds, a lot of rain, and a lot of storm surge that has been tearing away at the beaches along the east coast. hurricane warnings remain in effect, as well as tropical storm warnings that extend all the way up into south carolina. anticipating a landfall shortly after midnight tonight with that center of circulation coming in between vero beach and west palm beach, and then shooting its way quickly across the peninsula, exiting the west coast of florida by about 1:00 in the afternoon, creating more storm surge on the gulf coast side before exiting florida by early in the morning on friday. but then, being picked up by a big snowstorm in the middle of the country, and being pushed into the mid-atlantic and the northeast, exiting, norah, into canada by the time the weekend rolls around. >> o'donnell: mike bettes, thank you.
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we're going to turn now to those mass layoffs announced today at the parent company of facebook and instagram. meta is cutting about 13% of its workforce in the largest wave of layoffs in the tech giant's its history. cbs' carter evans has more on what's behind the massive job cuts. >> reporter: the 11,000 layoffs at meta come after the company lost more than $700 billion in value since c.e.o. mark zuckerberg rebranded facebook and went on a hiring spree. >> 2021, tech was booming, due to people staying at home. 2022 has seen a reversal of those covid trends. >> reporter: today, zuckerberg apologized to employees for his big gamble on the virtual reality "metaverse." "i got this wrong," he said, "and i take responsibility for that." meta's layoffs and twitter's firings last week are just the latest in a string of tech industry job cuts. >> over 700 tech companies have conducted layoffs this year and that's affecting over 100,000 employees.
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>> look, where tech goes, that's where the rest of the world goes. our clients are preparing for a recession. >> reporter: employee relations expert jason greer says remote workers should be concerned. they may be targets now? >> if the only thing i know about you is what i see on the screen, when your name comes up for a potential layoff, you might be the first to be let go. >> reporter: greer says this is a great time to try and make yourself stand out at work, make build those relationships right, build tho now. that might mean coming back into the office voluntarily because it's much harder to fire someone in person. norah. >> o'donnell: carter evans, thank you so much. with just over two weeks until thanksgiving, many americans have already started shopping for their holiday get-togethers and while higher prices at the grocery store are expected, it can still leave a "fowl" taste in consumers' mouths. in tonight's "money watch," cbs's janet shamlian traveled to an indiana turkey farm, where she found inflation is not the only reason this year's holiday meal is ging to cost you.
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>> reporter: these are the last of more than 6,000 turkeys kyle becker raised on his rural indiana farm this year. >> so these are broad-breasted white. >> reporter: even though he's now charging more for the pasture-raised birds, his earnings will be half of last year. what are you facing in raising turkeys? >> feed is up, labor is up, processing, even the boxes that we put the turkeys in have increased in price. >> reporter: turkey prices are flying high. the average price of a whole frozen bird is $2.45 a pound, 70 cents higher per pound than in 2021. a combination of inflation and bird flu, which wiped out more than seven million turkeys nationwide. how big of a hit has it taken? >> well, turkey production is down about 5% this year over the total year. >> reporter: grocers still offer bargain birds to get shoppers in the door.ffer bargain birds to t ut other essentials are up--to t eggs, more than 30% from last year.
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butter, more than 26%. and baked goods, like pumpkin pie, more than 20%. at roegels barbecue in katy, texas, there's a bounty of brisket, but russell roegel says he can't get turkey breasts. >> we ordered 200 cases in september, and we got about 50, and we're told that's all we're going to get for the rest of the year. >> reporter: how to save? if you're willing to wait until the last minute... >> like last year, you know, the day before thanksgiving, there were some pretty good deals. >> reporter: how much does she weigh? >> 25 pounds. >> reporter: free range turkeys like these at becker farms do cost more. father of five kyle becker works a second job as a veterinarian, to make ends meet, as higher costs ruffle feathers for farmrs and the rest of us. janet shamlian, cbs news, j morland, indiana. >> o'donnell: coming up, russia made a major announcement today about the war in ukraine. is it a turning point or a trap? that story, when we return. ret.
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actress jennifer aniston is opening up about her struggles actress jennifer aniston is with infertility. that story, when we return. tory. p two causes of ckd. ckd usually starts with no symptoms. so you can have it and not know it. to find out, check the kidney numbers from your lab tests. ♪far-xi-ga♪ if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help slow its progression. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. and don't take it if you are on dialysis. take aim at ckd by asking your doctor for your kidney numbers
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>> o'donnell: in a revealing new interview out today, jennifer aniston opens up about her struggles with infertility. speaking to "allure" magazine, anniston says, during all the years of pregnancy rumors and speculations, she was secretly trying to have a baby. anniston says she tried invitro fertilization treatments and wishes someone had told her to freeze her eggs. the actress, now 53, has zero regrets how things worked out and feels better than ever. we will be right back with a look ahead to veteran's day with an american hero. to veteran's h an american hero. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand...
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such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. >> o'donnell: finally tonight, , we begin a salute to the heroes among us, ahead of veterans day. cbs' david martin introduces to cbs' david martin introduces to us a west point gra us to a west point graduate to a west point graduate who's in a class of his own. >> reporter: the west point class of 1941 was the last to graduate before the start of world war ii. today, herb stern is the last man standing. >> i miss a lot of my classmates. >> reporter: yeah. >> we were a very close class since we, you know, graduated right into the war. >> reporter: 40 were killed in the war. time has taken the rest. rest. herb stern has fought off time just like he fought off the german army in the battle of the bulge.he churchill called the battle of the bulge "the greatest american battle of the war." >> as far as i was concerned it was.
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>> reporter: 19,000 americans killed? >> yeah, we lost a lot of people. >> reporter: in the winter of 1944, hitler launched a last- ditch counteroffensive, which broke through the american lines, creating the bulge which gave the six-week battle its name. >> i've never been so cold in my life. the army was not prepared for this weather. >> reporter: for the germans, stern had artillery rounds fitted with a new fuse. >> it was devastating. >> reporter: what made it so devastating? >> the burst came 20 yards above you, right into the foxhole. >> reporter: herb stern lived through that battle, and is still here, at the age of 103. >> i'm always glad to see another veterans day. >> reporter: david martin, cbs news, sterling, virginia. >> o'donnell: to all our veterans, we thank you for your service. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
6:59 pm san francisco's union square is all decked out, the holidaying transformation downtown to bring shoppers back. we continue to process ballots. we have a lot of people. all hands or deck. >> still a lot of ballots left to count, but tonight gaps are growing in some of the bay area's most closely watched races. more than 10,000 jobs cut at facebook parent meta as big tech enters unchartered territory. you're watching cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. we are still weeks away from thanksgiving, but san francisco union square is already getting into the holiday spirit in hopes of revitalizing an area that's had a tough few years.
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>> five, four, three, two, one. yea! >> there you go. holiday season kicking off, the giant macy's christmas tree officially lit up about 15 minutes ago signaling the beginning of the holiday shopping season. the goal is to attract a lot of shoppers and not problems like last year. you may remember these images of thieves smashing windows and emptying out a louis vuitton store last black friday. that wasn't the only business hit. this year there is extra emphasis on security. >> it's a safe welcoming environment, nothing to worry about. just come down here and enjoy yourself. you'll see people who are here to welcome you, to help you. >> and we learned there are ambassadors stationed around union square who can help visitors with directions and even recommendations for restaurants. there's also a visible police presence. crime was top of mi


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